Faith Formation
Praying the Gospels - Every Wednesday
You are invited to connect and pray with each other across the Diocese from your own home.
God speaks to us through the words of the Gospel and then through artist's images of the Gospel message.
Join us each Wednesday 5.00-5.45pm.
Zoom link:
Password: pray
For more information contact:
Alive in the Spirit - Conference - 8-10 July 2021
The Conference, coordinated by the Lay Pastoral Ministry Network (formerly known as NAPPA) collaborating with the Christian Initiation Australia Network (CIAN), and the Mission Planners Network Oceania (MPNO) invites people to consider the events in our world, and within our Church, which present us with an opportunity to open our hearts and minds to act upon what the Spirit is asking of us at this time in Australia and Oceanic region.
The Conference encourages faith communities including clergy, staff, leadership teams, council members, ministers and volunteers; for those in pastoral care, for youth, family and education support, to engage in the life of Christ, and his Church, by exploring ways to:
- engage the wounded, the disillusioned, the disaffiliated, the discontented & disconnected members of the Body of Christ;
- heal the divisions that have caused pain in our Church;
- revitalise those Catholics who are just “hanging in there” so that they may once again share the Good News of Christ;
- encourage and resource those who have brave and bold evangelisation ideas.
Visit the website for more information:
Finding God in Australia - Retreat - 6-8 August 2021
Presented by Father John Hill, this retreat will be held at St Clement's from Friday 6 to Saturday 8 August.
Bushfires, drought, the effects of Covid-19, church scandals - there are so many challenges to our faith in today's Australia. This retreat offers you the chance to come to a place of quiet, to take stock of your own life, to reflect about life here in Australia and to renew the foundations of faith for the future. In the retreat we will use the beauty and quiet of St Clement's to help us experience the presence of God, to pray and celebrate together and see how God is at work in our land and our lives.
Please contact St Clement's to register: or phone 02 6380 5222 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
The Angelus
V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.
R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee;
Blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R. Be it done unto me according to Your word. Hail Mary, etc
V. And the Word was made Flesh.
R. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary, etc
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord, Your Grace into our hearts, that as we have known the incarnation of Christ, your Son by the message of an angel, so by His passion and cross we may be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
R. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end, Amen.
Picture used with permission. Visit:
Bishop Robert Barron – Word on Fire
Leading the Culture to Christ with Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. There are regular videos from Bishop Robert Barron on the intersection of faith and culture.